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The electric yellow cichlid is a naturally occurring variant of Labidochromis caeruleus endemic to the central western coastal region of Nkhata Bay in Lake Malawi in East Africa.
Rift lake cichlids have a rather complex behavior. Most cichlid movements are either threats or flirting.


Telling the difference between the two is fairly difficult.


Fishy Tales

We Were Going To *

add an inspirational slogan here about our ethos and your business, something about passion, elevating, fiery partnerships.

* but we're a little scared of our designer, he's very grumpy.

You Have Questions

What's with the fish stuff?

Last year we were the 'Old Alfama Bicycle Shop'. Truthfully, we didn't know if there were any bicycle shops in Alfama, but we we were on the ground answering a question about lyocell fabric at a mill in Porto. We think there should be a bicycle shop in Lisbon though. Year before that, we were the 'Berlin Santuary of Spicy Surprises'. Berlin...amirite?

Then there was that time in Tunisia. We don't talk about Tunisia.


Currently, we're learning about the three rivers that flow through Cuenca, Ecuador, and the 'Calderon Hat Collective' is taking shape to launch in 2025. We're investment partners and bootstrapping the best hat company the world has ever seen. The hats may or may not be made of paper.

The next question came from Tbilisi, Georgia. We'll see you there!


They asked the question, we answered.

Okay, but what about the fish?

As a child, our co-founder used to talk to electric yellow chichlids while spending hours floating around on a windsurfer in Nkhata Bay.

S'true's Bob.


Plus we're working with some really great non-profits that actually want to do good by being good.


They had questions. We love questions.

But why put it on your website?

Chichlids are endangered, and we're on the ground in Malawi.


Bur also, because you'll only ever receive an invitation to visit our trading post if you have a clever question, and we think you're clever, and visiting a website should about more than spinning, leaping, whizzing design affectations. *

* Also, our designer is a very grumpy human and was in Okinawa playing Pokemon Go the day we wanted a leaping fiery whizzbang.

More Questions

Are you a Trading Post?

Yes. But also No.

A trading post, trading station, or trading house, also known as a factory, is an establishment or settlement where goods and services could be traded. Trading Post Hot Sauce

We're a modern trading post - we're where you go when you need to get X from A to B. 

Do you have offices?

Yes. But also No.

We'd prefer not to charge you for our rent. But we do occupy physical spaces wherever the team is currently answering questions for our partners. Currently - Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, London, Cuenca.


Like a trading post is usually found in a remote location. We're that place you go to when you need to conquer the great unknown X.

What Do You Do?

Seriously? We answer questions.

We know you really only have ONE question...


How do I move "X" from A to B?

You know what "X" is

A -> B

We'll get you from A to B

So What's Your X Question?

your new idea for a product that you just can't get off the ground,

advertising that isn't bringing in the results,

conversion rate on your online store,

the fact you can't read your analytics data and can't make any decisions,

where your cost of customer aquisition is through the roof,

you don't have traffic to your website,

your warehouse costs are killing your business,

you can't ship to Brazil,

you don't understand what landed cost is with your global shipping,

you don't know why people are not checking out on your online store,

you need to update your legacy website,

you can't find a supplier for your fabric,

you need an app built,

you need to completely overhaul your middleware,

you dont understand AWS,

you want to set up your TikTok shop,

your online reputation is in the shitter because you did something naughty,

you need your ecommerce store translated into X languages because you know that Google HATES Javascript,

you know what Python is, but you're not sure why you need it for a database

you need a database.

your revenue is not growing,

you need to set up a local delivery network for your retail store,

you want to move from retail to online,

your product is in Walmart and your online sales are decreasing,

you need an in-house marketing team,

you need a really good COO for a year,

you don't know what the fuck ROAS is but you know yours is bad,
you know you need SEO but somone keeps trying to sell you a package,

you've fired your developers and need a quick fix on your website,

you're looking for an investment partner,

you need a brand overhaul,

you need a designer that isn't grumpy, and the most important question...

How do I ask the right questions in my business?

* This could have been a really cool word cloud but the grumpy designer was skiing in Whistler that day, so he sent us a spinning star thing.

Answering Questions Here

SP    +55 13 99194 8339

LDN  +44 020 3287 4364

JHB  +27 72 1570415

EC    +593 96 312 1396

* we asked our designer for a cool vector but he was getting a tattoo in Barcelona that day so he sent us these instead

Thanks for asking!

trad·ing post
/ˈtrādiNG ˌpōst/

the designer left to go surfing in JBay here ==>

you can see him giving up,
so sad really

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Our Social Media Manager also left us hanging when he went to see "a guy" about a hashtag in Macau. 

So here are some great social media accounts that we follow. They change regularly so check back. Or not. 


© 2024 by Top Mandala.

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